A32 overnight road closure Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October

Hampshire County Council has advised that to address defects in the recent roadworks and also to carry out other minor drainage works at the same time,  there will be an overnight road closure  on the nights of Friday 6th & Saturday 7th October 2023, during which time the road will be closed to through traffic from approximately 20:00 to 06:00hrs each night.


Please note that whilst there is an allowance within the time periods shown above for delays, there may be times when HCC have to postpone works at very short notice; based on the latest weather forecasts, this can occur just prior to works commencing. HCC will always look to provide up to date information wherever it can, but sometimes these last-minute decisions can be difficult to relay to the travelling public in a timely manner. Wherever possible, any significant changes to the scheduled dates will be made clear on the yellow sign boards located at the works limits.

Information signs advising road users will be erected before the start of works.


Please note information provided by HCC as follows:

For your safety and that of our workforce, we are unable to guarantee vehicular access to and from your property during the road closure. Should you need to make an essential journey, please contact a member of the workforce in advance and they will be able to advise if they can accommodate your request.

Pedestrian access will be available at all times.

For further details of how the road closure may affect your access please visit our website – www.hants.gov.uk/roadworks

Thank you for your co-operation and please accept my apologies in advance for any inconvenience these works may cause you.

If you need more information regarding this scheme you use any of the options below.

Visit One.Networkhttps://one.network/?tm=GB135521547  which is where our planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.

Call – 0300 555 1388

 If you ever need to report a problem with the roads, you can do so by visiting www.hants.gov.uk/roadproblems


Parish Priority Statement & Open Days

Selborne Parish Council – Parish Priority Statement – HAVE YOUR SAY

The South Downs National Park Authority is currently undertaking a review of its Local Plan – this is the Park’s own document which sets out the planning and regulatory framework for  all future development in the area.  All parish councils have been asked to submit a summary of their local community’s needs and prevailing views, looking ahead some 15 years, with a vision of informing and influencing the Local Plan. This summary is being called a Parish Priority Statement (PPS).

The PPS will include ideas and suggestions for a wide range of subject headings including the development and management of land, homes, and the natural environment, amongst others.

Selborne Parish Council has been tasked with putting this statement together – but we can’t do it without your help and that of each person (young and old) living, working and visiting in the Parish.  The key to this is finding out what your vision, needs and suggestions are.  So please tell us by filling in the survey form – either in full or just the parts you are particularly interested in. Forms are widely available in the Parish. 

You may:-

  1. Access the survey form via the Selborne and Oakhanger villages Facebook links to the Parish Council website.  Complete and return the form to the Parish Clerk (clerk@selborneparishcouncil.gov.uk) or one of the Councillors below.
  2. OR look out for the house-to-house leaflet drop; we shall get to as many of you in the next week as we can!
  3. OR pick up a hard copy of the form (and extra forms if needed for other members of your household!) at The Selborne Arms PH, the Wakes/Whites Cafe, The Hanger PH, Oakhanger Village Hall or St Matthew’s Church, Blackmoor and then complete and return – there will also be collection points in some of these locations (PPS labelled boxes/the letter box on Oakhanger Village Hall).

Forms can also be returned to:-

  1. Cllr Sam Heaselgrave, Lassams, High St, Selborne (cllrsamheaselgrave.selbornepc@gmail.com)
  2. Cllr Carol McMeekan, The Rowans, Oakhanger Road, Oakhanger (cllrcarolmcmeekan.selbornepc@gmail.com)
  3. Cllr Wendy Megeney, Sotherington Farm Cottage, Sotherington Lane, Selborne (cllrwendymegeney.selbornepc@gmail.com)

There will be an Open Day in Selborne Village Hall from 11am until 4pm on Saturday 19th August and in Oakhanger Village Hall from 4pm until 7pm on Sunday 20th August where you can ask for more information on the PPS and the survey form.  

Please return your forms by 6pm on Friday 8th September – it’s not long to go, so please start soon!

Our aim is to put a draft together based on as much information as we can gather from every person living, working, or visiting in the Parish.  We will then publish this draft and invite your comments.  There will be public open meetings where you can discuss and provide your comments on the draft PPS on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October.  Check also the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 18th October.

The final version of our PPS will then be decided upon at a Parish Council meeting on 22nd November, ready for submission to the South Down National Park Authority by 30th November 2023.

The survey can be downloaded below.



The new playground is open

Selborne Parish Council and the Selborne Recreation Ground Committee are very pleased to announce that the new children’s playground at the Selborne Recreation Ground will be open from 3pm today, Friday 26th May.

See the design document below for some background on the design.  The Parish Council used £30K of its funds on the playground with an “enabling grant” from Hampshire County Councillor Mark Kemp-Gee to boost our chances for other grant applications, £5K from the SRGC Committee and a major donation from the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund.

A big thank you for these grants.

Thank you also to :

  • Lara Roberts in the early days of getting the playground project off the ground, consulting with the community and preparing the lengthy tender specification;
  • Seema, Matt, Simon and Tom – and Lara again, for the many hours of detailed and methodical work as the Playground Working Group in sourcing and reviewing tenders from ten playground companies and working so well as a team in getting the best design
  • Matt in particular, and also Simon, for the hard work in writing the grant applications – yes, the first one didn’t succeed
  • And also the Recreation Ground Committee who week in and week out, year after year, maintain the Recreation Ground so well and who have put in a lot of additional work to get the playground ready for opening.

Hope you all have a good weekend

Welcome and First Meeting of the New Council

At the Parish Council elections on 4th May ten new Selborne Parish Councillors were elected unopposed onto the Council.

They are:

Selborne Oakhanger Ward

David Ashcroft; Seema Bennett; Charlie Bridger; Gren Earney; Howard Grosvenor

Emily Jenner; Debs Littell; Nikki O’Donnell; Matt Turner

Blackmore Edge Ward

Wendy Megeney


There are still two vacancies on the Council which will be filled by co-option at a future Council meeting.   Please contact one of the Councillors or the Parish Clerk if you are interested in joining the Council.

The first meeting of the Council, the Annual Meeting/AGM,  will be on Tuesday 23rd May at 7.30pm in Selborne Village Hall.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Oakhanger Road Closure for cable works from 1 May

Please find attached an Advance Works Notice relating to the upcoming Oakhanger Road closure.

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks have applied for various road closures and traffic management measures to be able to install these works in a safe manner. We can confirm that the road will close on or shortly after 1 May, for cable works to take place.    

 Where the road closure is being implemented, the road will become closed to through traffic, however, local access will be maintained.  

 Our construction works are generally constrained to approx. 100-200m in length, so residents and local traffic will have access either side of where we are currently working. The works will start at the top end of Oakhanger Road, at the junction with Green Street and Forge Road, and work in a southerly direction.        

 Please be aware that when working directly outside a property we make every effort to maintain access, however there will be occasions when we will not be able to enable vehicles in or out of a property, for a short period of time. 

 Should you have any further questions about the road closure or the investment works, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

 With thanks

 SSEN Community Relations

Email: community@ssenbordon.co.uk

Phone: 0800 046 9034



A32 Closed at Farringdon 30 May for 3 weeks

Hampshire County Council will be undertaking carriageway resurfacing and drainage works in A32 Gosport Road, Farringdon, from Woodside Lane to Kitcombe Lane and involving 24 hour closure of the A32 at Farringdon from 30 May for three weeks.

During the road closures there will be a signed diversion in place via A32, A272 and A31. When closing a main road such as the A32, we are required to install a diversion route along roads of a similar classification to ensure access still remains possible for the larger vehicles that would generally use it. For further information visit One.Network – https://one.network/?tm=GB133502600

The Parish Council has requested a repeat of the additional signage used in the first phase to deter traffic from taking the shorter route through Selborne and nearby villages.

Further information in the attached letter

Election for a new Parish Council on Thursday 4th May

Please see below the attached Parish Notice of Election – there will be an election for a new Parish Council on Thursday 4th May alongside the District Council elections (see District NOE.pdf, also below). There are ten seats on the Parish Council for the Selborne-Oakhanger ward and two seats for the Blackmore Edge ward.

The Parish Council needs YOU!

1. TO VOTE IN THE ELECTION.  You now  need to provide voter i.d when you go to vote. Please see the Voter i.d. and List of Acceptable i.d. posters, which are attached below.

2. TO STAND AS A CANDIDATE.  A small number of the existing Parish Councillors will not be standing for re-election – a big thankyou to them – and so we do really need new candidates. We are particularly keen for candidates to stand from the Oakhanger and Blackmoor areas of the Parish, but all candidates are welcome. Being on the Parish Council can be a very enjoyable and rewarding role with a focus on representing your community, providing local facilities and protecting your local environment.  You will be in position until the next election in May 2027 and are required to attend the monthly meetings and follow the rules of the Council.
How much time does it take? The minimum  you need is the time to attend the monthly meetings (these are in the evening and about two hours in length) and  a few hours beforehand to review any meeting papers . If you have more time you will be welcome to join working groups and committees working on project areas as well as special roles such a looking after local footpaths and trees. Support and training is available for key areas such as the review of planning applications.
Am I eligible to stand? You need to be at least 18 years old and a British/EU/or eligible Commonwealth citizen and meet one of four other criteria, one of which includes living in or within 3 miles of the Parish for the last 12 months.

You need to hand deliver your signed application, including the signatures and polling district and electoral numbers of your proposer and seconder, by prior appointment to East Hampshire District Council by 4pm on Tuesday 4th April at the latest.  Links to application forms (called Nomination Packs) and further information are available on the attached Notice of Election (copy and past the link onto your browser if the link isn’t working).  The Nomination Pack document is also attached separately below.

If you would like to discuss the role, obtain a hard copy of the form or any help with the application (inc. polling district and register numbers for your proposers and seconders) please contact the Parish Clerk.

Selborne CFI Phase 1

Selborne CFI PHASE 1 – first phase of CFI traffic management enhancements for Selborne Village 

The five drawings showing the Selborne CFI Phase 1 are attached below.

The plans will also be on display in Selborne Village Hall this Saturday 11th March from 11am until 4pm.  The Parish Council will then consider approval of the Selborne CFI Phase 1 at the meeting on Wednesday 15th March at 8.15pm in Selborne Village Hall.

Selborne CFI Phase 1  is the first of several phases of traffic calming in Selborne village which are currently under development using the Hampshire County Council Community Funded Initiative model – the CFI.

CFI enable a community group to request and fund works in association with HCC up to a value of £25,000 – N.B. there can be more than one CFI project in a village.

CFI projects are designed by HCC following discussion with a community group to identify what is needed and then the CFI design is approved and wholly funded by the community group.

To facilitate delivery of these relatively small size projects, CFI are comprised of a limited range of works e.g. village gates, signage, road lining and some other works to highways.

The Selborne CFI Phase 1 consists of new road signage, new road lining and new village gates and is funded by SDNPA Project CIL funding.  It is planned to complete the works in the 2023/2024 financial year.

Later phases of CFI are already under development and will be funded using Parish Council funds including additional Project CIL funds from the SDNPA.

It is recognised that the works will not reduce the amount of traffic in the village but they will contribute to a reduction of its impact.

Casual Vacancy

Friday 27th January 2023

There is now a Casual Vacancy on the Council.  As this has occurred within 6 months of the date at which the Councillor would ordinarily have retired there is no right for residents to claim an election and the Council can chose whether or not to fill the vacancy by co-option.

The Council will consider whether to co-opt at the February Council meeting and, if it decides to fill the vacancy at this time, the co-option of a new Councillor will take place at the March Council meeting.

E Ford, Parish Clerk

Selborne Parish Council