Advice on CPR and the Parish Defibrillators

Following the South Central Ambulance Service announcing a critical incident and with the ongoing industrial action, Selborne Parish Council is providing the following update on CPR and defibrillators.

The Council has three defibrillators – one on the front of Selborne Village Hall, one on Oakhanger Village Hall and one on the wall of the car park to the rear of Blackmoor Village Hall.  Photos showing each defibrillator are attached below.  There is also a fourth defibrillator in the courtyard beside the Wakes Museum tea room.

NHS Advice for CPR on adults

If someone is unconscious and not breathing normally, call 999 and start CPR straight away.

When you call 999 for an ambulance, you should be given basic life-saving instructions over the phone, including advice about CPR.

If you have been trained in CPR, including rescue breaths, and feel confident using your skills, you should give chest compressions with rescue breaths.

If you’re not completely confident, attempt hands-only CPR instead.

Hands-only CPR

To carry out a chest compression:

  1. Kneel next to the person and place the heel of your hand on the breastbone at the centre of their chest. Place the palm of your other hand on top of the hand that’s on their chest and interlock your fingers.
  2. Position yourself so your shoulders are directly above your hands.
  3. Using your body weight (not just your arms), press straight down by 5 to 6cm (2 to 2.5 inches) on their chest.
  4. Keeping your hands on their chest, release the compression and allow their chest to return to its original position.
  5. Repeat these compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 times a minute until an ambulance arrives or for as long as you can.

CPR with rescue breaths

  1. Place the heel of your hand on the centre of the person’s chest, then place the palm of your other hand on top and press down by 5 to 6cm (2 to 2.5 inches) at a steady rate of 100 to 120 compressions a minute.
  2. After every 30 chest compressions, give 2 rescue breaths.
  3. Tilt the person’s head gently and lift the chin up with 2 fingers. Pinch the person’s nose. Seal your mouth over their mouth and blow steadily and firmly into their mouth for about 1 second. Check that their chest rises. Give 2 rescue breaths.
  4. Continue with cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths until they begin to recover or emergency help arrives.


A clip on the use of the defibrillators is accessible here  – worth viewing before you need to use one!

Using a Defibrillator – Bing video

In the event of a suspected heart attack the advice is to stay with the casualty, call 999,  apply CPR straight away and send a second person to access the defibrillator.

When you call 999 for an ambulance, you should be given basic life-saving instructions over the phone, including advice about CPR and you will also alert Community First Responders – trained local volunteers with their own defibrillators who assist as soon as possible while you are waiting for an ambulance.

You will also need to call 999 to obtain the access code to open the cabinet containing the defibrillator.

It is the same code for all three of the Parish defibrillators but a different code for the one at the Wakes Museum. In the event of any delay in getting through on the 999 number please ask a helper to make a separate call to one of the following Parish Councillors who have the door code (but only for the Parish defibrillators !):

Cllr Guy Masson 07718 520857

Cllr Jo Clay 01420 511 497

Cllr David Ashcroft  01420 511 011/07966 511868

Cllr Seema Bennett 07833 143974

Cllr Carol McMeekan 01420 476 098

Cllr Wendy Megeney 01420 511 580

Cllr Nikki O’Donnell 07752 129346

Cllr Alan Parker  07817 350492

Cllr Matt Turner  07885 813749

We hope the above is useful.


South Central Ambulance Service declares a critical incident

SCAS declares critical incident due to extreme pressures

South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) has declared a critical incident due to extreme pressures across our services which have built through weekend and into this week.

They are asking the public to help us at this time by using services wisely and also utilising other healthcare alternatives including for urgent medical advice and guidance wherever possible and appropriate to do so, as well as urgent treatment centres, pharmacists and their GPs.

999 calls are up 50% on this time last year and 111 calls up 75% over the same period.

Further information attached

Have your say on the EHDC Local Plan consultation

Please see attached a poster on the current consultation on the EHDC Local Plan – this will include planning for development in and around the A31 corridor to the north of the Parish and Whitehill/Bordon to the east (and including parts of the Blackmoor and Oakhanger wards).


The consultation started on Monday 21st November and runs until 16th January 2023.  There are also three drop-in sessions with the Alton event on Weds 7th December.

Message from Donna Jones – Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

Message from Donna Jones – Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

I’ve launched a survey to gather your views on whether I should increase the level of council tax which you pay in support of policing, to ensure continued investment in Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary.


I know this is a very difficult time financially for the country, and potentially for you as an individual, and I am conscious that any rise in your council tax to support policing will come at the same time as other costs are also increasing.


However, it is also a difficult time for funding your police force; police are not immune to the cost of living crisis and therefore the 2023/24 budget is being set against the backdrop of a challenging economic environment with general inflation, pay costs, utilities and fuel costs all rising.


For example, the cost increase for police officer pay is over 5%, and general inflation is running at 10%; our forecast increase in government grant is only 1.1%, so this creates a funding shortfall for next year.


One option available to me to reduce the funding shortfall is to increase the police council tax.


The maximum I am allowed to increase the council tax by on a Band D property for 2023/24 is £10 per annum (a 4.2% increase, significantly below inflation), which is an increase of 83p per month. If I increase by the maximum, for residents in property Bands A-C the increase would equate to less than 83p a month, and for properties in Bands E-H it would be more than 83p per month.

The survey proposes a range of options up to the £10 maximum per year which is 83p per month.


If you are not sure which council tax band your property is in, you can check at

If I don’t increase the council tax for 2023/24, I will need to work with the Constabulary to implement savings, with an inevitable impact on the overall service level which can be provided. I see first-hand day in day out the vital work which the Constabulary undertakes to keep the residents of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight safe, and I would not wish to see this compromised.


However, I know that any increase in the amount you pay must be considered carefully. I also hear very loudly that you want to see more officers in your communities. That’s why it’s so important that you complete this short survey and have your say on continued investment.


With yours and the government’s support, I am on track to have recruited 600 more police officers in Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight by March 2023, hitting a 25% increase in police officers responding to emergencies and patrolling the beat.


Through this, I am making your police force even more local, visible and accessible. More police means more deployments, more crimes solved, and safer streets.


By completing this survey, you will really help us set the budget and the council tax precepts for policing for the next financial year. I want to hear your feedback so I can represent your views on where you want your money to go.


I have opened this survey for five weeks to hear from as many people as possible.

The survey will close at 11.59pm on Sunday 4 December 2022.


Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback.


Click this link to take the survey.

Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones


One day closure of Mary Lane Upper Farringdon on 14th November

Approximately 1 km of Mary Lane, Upper Farringdon will be closed for one day from 9.30am until 3.30pm on or after 14th November.

Pedestrian access and vehicular access to affected properties will be maintained but remains a ‘No Through Route’.

The Order is necessary to facilitate safe access to the network (“the Works”).

The alternative route for vehicles will be via Headmore Lane, Brightstone Lane, A32 and vice versa.  Map of closure and diversion route attached.

For further information contact Sunbelt Rentals  0370 050 0792

Road Closures – Selborne Village 24th and 25th October

Please see attached a copy of the letter sent to residents on the overnight road works on Selborne High Street next week, on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th October.  Please note the further information which has been received from HCC regarding the overnight works as follows:

There are two areas where they will be applying high friction surfacing:

  • Approaches to the school – this will be carried out on Monday 24th Oct
  • Approach to Ketchers Field – this will be carried out on Tuesday 25th Oct

On each night the road will be closed to through traffic for the entire length (Goslings Croft junction to Ketchers Field junction), however, there will be operatives located at the closure points who will allow local traffic to have access up to the points where the works are taking place.

(Please also look under News for information on the closure of Mary Lane, Upper Farringdon on 14th November)

Community First Responders and Defibrillator Training

The Community First Responders scheme run by South Central Ambulance Service Volunteers are holding a First Aid refresher course for those who missed our initial defibrillator training at East Tisted (there are actually two defibrillators in East Tisted.  This is being held at 7:30 on Thursday 6 October at East Tisted Village Hall.  ANYONE interested in attending should contact Dave Crowther or call/text 07307 182022


Dave is also keen to hear from anyone who would like to know more about becoming a Community First Responder in the local area – CFRs are volunteer members of the public who may be called upon by the ambulance service if an ambulance crew is likely to be delayed rapid assessment and urgent on-scene intervention is required. Volunteers are fully trained

No Bin Collection on Monday

EHDC have advised that there will be no bin collections on Monday and all collections next week will be carried out a day later than usual, with the Friday collections taking place on Saturday.
Please note that glass collections are still suspended.

Have your say NOW on the County Council 20mph speed limit policy

Hampshire County Council is undertaking a review of its policy for 20mph speed limits  and would like to hear feedback from residents on the use of these limits across the County.  Please see the information below from a letter from the Safer Roads and Parking section of the Council and the link to access the survey which must be completed by 00.30 am on Monday 12 September 2022.  

“A Task and Finish Group of eight Councillors has been formed as part of a review of the Council’s policy for 20mph speed limits across the County which we anticipate to be completed in the Autumn. The current County Council policy restricts mandatory new 20 mph zones and limits to address casualty reduction.

Working alongside officers conducting the review, the Group’s purpose is to consider evidence from various sources, along with data related to highway usage, enforcement, road safety, previous 20 mph speed limit implementation and environmental impacts, and to inform the Economy, Transport and Environment Select Committee. In turn this will feed into consideration of the review findings and decisions on future policy by the Executive Lead Member for Transport and Environment Strategy or the County Council’s Cabinet in due course.

Views on these matters are welcomed as part of the online feedback form which is open to all Hampshire residents, parishes and other key stakeholders. Understanding wider views about 20 mph limits in the context of other highway priorities, the County Council’s statutory duties to maintain the highway in a safe condition, and a limited budget. The Group would also welcome feedback on existing 20 mph limits within Hampshire.  The findings from this survey will help to inform any decision by the County Council about future 20mph speed limit policy. At this stage, no new 20 mph speed limits are proposed until the outcomes of the review are known and any policy changes approved.

The survey is now live and can be accessed via the link below.  The survey is scheduled to close at 00.30 am on Monday 12 September 2022.

Safer Roads and Parking, Hampshire County Council”

Casual Vacancy on the Council

Would you like to be a Parish Councillor?

There are now two Casual Vacancies on the Council.  If no election is requested, the Parish Council will decide on who will fill the vacancy at the meeting on Wednesday 19th October.  The Parish Council would therefore like to hear from anyone who is interested in being a Parish Councillor.

You will join the team of twelve Councillors who represent the Parish and its three villages of Selborne, Oakhanger and Blackmoor.  You will be in position until the next election in May 2023 and are required to attend monthly meetings of the Council and follow the rules of the Council.  It is a very interesting and enjoyable, voluntary role and training is available in the planning and other aspects of being a Parish Councillor.

Please contact the Parish Clerk (tel. 07908 408 025 or email for more information and to check if you are eligible to stand (criteria include being over 18 and living in or within 3 miles of the Parish or working in the Parish for the last 12 months).

Also please read the two Casual Vacancy Notices attached below – election can be requested up until Thursday 15th September 2022

Liz Ford, Parish Clerk


Telephone: 07908 408 025