The Parish Assembly – the annual meeting for all residents in the Parish – will be on Wednesday 19th April at 7.20pm in Selborne C of E Primary School with refreshments available from 7.00pm. Notice for the meeting attached below. John Hubbard, Chair of Energy Alton will give a talk “Local Initiatives to address the Energy Crisis – now and in the future”
Planning Committee Meeting. There will be a Planning Committee meeting on Thursday 13th April (members of the public and press are welcome). The planning matters to be considered are listed in the notice for the meeting below.
A public consultation in support of the SDNPA Adoption of the Selborne Village Design Statement runs from 11th April until 6th June. Information in the notice below and on the Community Information/The Village of Selborne/Village Design Statement page of this website.
Parish Council Elections. There are fewer candidates than the total number of places on the Parish Council which means that all the candidates standing will be elected (uncontested) onto the Parish Council on 4th May. The Notices of the Uncontested Elections for the two wards of the Parish (Selborne Oakhanger and Blackmore Edge) which list the candidates are below. See pages 41 and 42 of the notice.
District Council Elections. Finally the notice listing the candidates for the District Council elections on the 4th May is also available below.