Selborne Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of Selborne Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 18th February 2025 at Blackmoor Village Hall at 8 p.m. The agenda is available under meetings on the website.
Please see attached the agenda of an Extraordinary Meeting of Selborne Parish Council on Thursday 14th November at 8.30pm in Selborne Village Hall Please note that the meeting will only […]
The next meeting of Selborne Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 18th February 2025 at Blackmoor Village Hall at 8 p.m. The agenda is available under meetings on the website.
Selborne Parish Council have amended the dates for their February and March Parish Council meetings;
February is Tuesday 18th March 2025 at 8 p.m.
March is Tuesday 18th March 2025 at 8 p.m.
April is Wednesday 16th April 2025 at 8 p.m.
Please see attached the agenda of an Extraordinary Meeting of Selborne Parish Council on Thursday 14th November at 8.30pm in Selborne Village Hall
Please note that the meeting will only take place when the Clerk confirms that relevant material evidence has been received.
This news item will be updated when it is confirmed if the meeting will be held
Work has begun on reviewing the South Downs Local Plan. The review will give the SDNPA an opportunity to address important issues such as nature recovery, climate change and the type and level of development needed in the National Park such as affordable homes.
From the 8th July to 16th September, tell us what you think the key issues are that the Local Plan needs to address and how you would like to be involved in preparing the new Local Plan. There are three documents to review at this stage and these are attached below (along with the poster on the consultation):
For more details & to post comments on these documents and/or complete a quick survey – SCAN THE QR Code on the attached poster or see
The Park is also seeking feedback on the National Park Vision 2050, which will be considered as part of the Partnership Management Review later this year.
COMPLETE YOUTH SURVEY and enter prize draw
There is also a “youth survey” for 13 to 25-year-olds, with the chance to enter a prize draw for a £50 gift voucher.
The Parish Council has received a consultation request regarding the re-determination of the appeal against refusal of planning application ref SDNP/20/04118/FUL and will consider the Parish Council response to this request at a Council meeting on 17th July at 8.20pm in Selborne Village Hall.
The consultation letter is attached below and includes a link for the submission of ay comments to the Planning Inspector.
Planning application currently under appeal is ref SDNP/20/04118/FUL and documents for the planning application are accessed via this link
Documents for the appeal are on the SDNPA website with ref SDNP/21/00069/REF and accessed via this link
The election of the Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner will take place on Thursday 2nd May
Please use this link to access information on the PCC website.
And don’t forget that you will need Photo i.d. when you go to vote
East Hampshire District Council is holding the Police and Crime Commissioner election, with voting across the district, on 2nd May 2024.
Please see attached notice on the election including nomination of candidates, registration to vote and other information.
Would you like to join the Parish Council?
Following two resignations there are two casual vacancies on the Parish Council. If no election is requested by Friday 12th April 2024 (please see Casual Vacancy Notice below) then the Parish Council will fill the first vacancy by co-option. If no election is request by 1st May 2024 for the second vacancy the Parish Council will co-opt a second Councillor to join the Council.
If no elections are requested it is expected that the co-options will take place at the May/June Council meetings
The Parish Council is therefore very interested in hearing from anybody who is interested in being a Parish Councillor and if you would like any further information please contact the Clerk on email
Rotherfield Farms has advised with regret that they are having to undertake significant closures of Public Rights of Way on Noar Hill for safety reasons during tree works.
They appreciate that this is going to be disruptive for the community and ask that everyone bears with them while they address these safety issues.
I have attached the letter from Rotherfield Farms below which includes maps showing the closed footpaths and diversions provided