Work has begun on reviewing the South Downs Local Plan. The review will give the SDNPA an opportunity to address important issues such as nature recovery, climate change and the type and level of development needed in the National Park such as affordable homes.


From the 8th July to 16th September, tell us what you think the key issues are that the Local Plan needs to address and how you would like to be involved in preparing the new Local Plan.   There are three documents to review at this stage and these are attached below (along with the poster on the consultation):

  • Project Initiation Document (PID)this defines the scope and issues for the plan, the resources needed to deliver it and the risks associated with the project.
  • Local Development Scheme (LDS) ­– this includes a timetable for the preparation and adoption of the Local Plan.
  • Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)this sets out how we will consult with all stakeholders, including local communities, business, and public bodies, on planning matters. We are proposing changes to the SCI on how we consult on draft plans, including key principles and introducing the preparation of bespoke ‘Community Involvement Plans’ for separate planning policy consultations.

For more details & to post comments on these documents and/or complete a quick survey – SCAN THE QR Code on the attached poster or see

The Park is also seeking feedback on the National Park Vision 2050, which will be considered as part of the Partnership Management Review later this year.

COMPLETE YOUTH SURVEY and enter prize draw

There is also a “youth survey” for 13 to 25-year-olds, with the chance to enter a prize draw for a £50 gift voucher.

Re-determination of the appeal re planning application SDNP/20/04118/FUL, The Queens Hotel, High Street, Selborne

The Parish Council has received a consultation request regarding the re-determination of the appeal against refusal of planning application ref SDNP/20/04118/FUL and will consider the Parish Council response to this request at a Council meeting on 17th July at 8.20pm in Selborne Village Hall.


The consultation letter is attached below and includes a link for the submission of ay comments to the Planning Inspector.

Planning application currently under appeal is ref SDNP/20/04118/FUL   and documents for the planning application are accessed via this link


SDNP/20/04118/FUL | Conversion and extension of the existing Queens building and barn to form 5no. Aparthotel suites (C1), a Field Study Centre and Tap Room (Mixed Class F.1 and Sui Generis) and 1no. Detached dwelling (C3) within the grounds, with associated parking and landscaping. | The Queens Hotel High Street Selborne Alton GU34 3JH (


Documents for the appeal are on the SDNPA website with ref SDNP/21/00069/REF and accessed via this link


SDNP/21/00069/REF | Conversion and extension of the existing Queens building and barn to form 5no. Aparthotel suites (C1), a Field Study Centre and Tap Room (Mixed Class F.1 and Sui Generis) and 1no. Detached dwelling (C3) within the grounds, with associated parking and landscaping. | The Queens Hotel High Street Selborne Alton GU34 3JH (

Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2nd May & Don’t forget your photo ID

The election of the Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner will take place on Thursday 2nd May

Please use this link to access information on the PCC website.

Your Voice on Policing: Why voting for a Police and Crime Commissioner matters – Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner (

And don’t forget that you will need Photo i.d. when you go to vote





May 2024 Election of new Police and Crime Commissioner

East Hampshire District Council is holding the Police and Crime Commissioner election, with voting across the district, on 2nd May 2024.

Please see attached notice on the election including nomination of candidates, registration to vote and other information.


Would you like to join the Parish Council?

Would you like to join the Parish Council?

Following two resignations there are two casual vacancies on the Parish Council.  If no election is requested by Friday 12th April 2024  (please see Casual Vacancy Notice below) then the Parish Council will fill the first vacancy by  co-option.  If no election is request by 1st May 2024 for the second vacancy the Parish Council will co-opt a second Councillor to join the Council.

If no elections are requested it is expected that the co-options will take place at the May/June Council meetings

The Parish Council is therefore very interested in hearing from anybody who is interested in being a Parish Councillor and if you would like any further information please contact the Clerk on email

Temporary closure of footpaths at Noar Hill for tree works

Rotherfield Farms has advised with regret that they are having to undertake significant closures of Public Rights of Way on Noar Hill for safety reasons during tree works.

They appreciate that this is going to be disruptive for the community and ask that everyone bears with them while they address these safety issues.

I have  attached the letter from Rotherfield Farms below which includes maps showing the closed footpaths and diversions provided

February 2024 – Public Consultation on the Selborne Village Design Statement

February 2024 – Selborne Village Design Statement (SVDS)

Selborne Parish Council (SPC) has submitted the Selborne Village Design Statement (SVDS) to the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) to be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The SDNPA previously carried out two rounds of public consultation on the SVDS from 11 April to 06 June 2023, and from 13 July to 07 September 2023.  However, following a number of amendments – including a change to the area covered by the document, and the definition and illustration of the “green apron” – the SDNPA has taken the view that a third round of public consultation is required in accordance with the South Downs Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.  Once the third public consultation has closed, the SDNPA will then consider whether to adopt the SVDS as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The third public consultation will run for a period of 6 weeks from Thursday 01 February 2024 (starting at 09:00am) to Friday 15 March 2024 (closing at 23:59pm).

The Selborne Village Design Statement (SVDS) – along with the documents listed below (its appendices, consultation statement, and public notice) and the privacy statement applicable to any submitted comments – is available via the SDNPA webpage link here: Village Design Statements – Current Consultations – South Downs National Park Authority

The VDS documents are also available via the links below

Alternatively, you can view the SVDS and the above documents in hard copy at:

  • South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH.
    • Open 09:00am to 16:00pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Selborne Parish Council Office, Selborne Village Hall, High Street, Selborne, Hampshire, GU34 3JR.
    • Open 11:00am to 14:00pm on Thursday, or other times by appointment

To make a representation, please email – or post your representation to the SDNPA Planning Policy Team, South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH – by Friday 15 March 2024.

Climate and Nature “CaN” Working Group Jan 20th

The Climate and Nature “CaN” Working Group invite you to a Winter Working Party at Selborne Recreation Ground at 10.30am on
Saturday 20th January 2024. Refreshments provided.
Also check out the Seasonal Programme Poster below for more information and more events

FINAL UPDATE on Parish Priority Statement

Selborne Parish Council would like to thank all those residents who have submitted responses to the Parish Priority Statement Survey

More than 90 responses were received – almost 10% based on the total number of  households in the Parish.  This is a great level of feedback for a survey  – so thank you for your input on this.

Several Parish Councillors formed a Working Group (Cllrs Ashcroft, Bennett, Bridger, Earney, Heaselgrave and Megeney) to review the surveys and propose a DRAFT Parish Priority Statement.  Thankyou to these and all other Councillors for the significant amount of work done so far.  The DRAFT was reviewed in detail and approved to go forward for a second stage of public consultation at the Council meeting on Wednesday 18th October.

27/10/23 – Also attached below are the spreadsheets giving the summary of data from the original forms prepared by Councillors

27/10/23 – You can also access the original forms (with all personal data redacted) via the link here

You will need to copy and paste it into your browser.

9/11/23 – The public consultation Open Days were held on on Saturday 21st October ( Oakhanger Village Hall 11am until 4pm) and Sunday 22nd October (Selborne Village Hall 11am until 4pm).

Twenty five residents attended and ten sets of comments have been submitted to the Parish Council.

Copies of the comments can be obtained using the link here

Again, you will need to copy and paste it into your browser!


The third version of the Draft Parish Priority Statement  is the document “PPS – Draft 3A for 22nd Nov meeting”  which is attached below and will be reviewed on 22nd November.


A fourth draft of the Parish Priority Statement was detailed at the Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 22nd November.  This version (PPS – Draft 4 for review at 28 Nov meeting) is attached below and was reviewed at another additional Council meeting on Tuesday 28th November.


The  final PPS (see below) was submitted to the South Downs National Park Authority  on 30th November .

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact Councillors or the Clerk –




A32 overnight road closure Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October

Hampshire County Council has advised that to address defects in the recent roadworks and also to carry out other minor drainage works at the same time,  there will be an overnight road closure  on the nights of Friday 6th & Saturday 7th October 2023, during which time the road will be closed to through traffic from approximately 20:00 to 06:00hrs each night.


Please note that whilst there is an allowance within the time periods shown above for delays, there may be times when HCC have to postpone works at very short notice; based on the latest weather forecasts, this can occur just prior to works commencing. HCC will always look to provide up to date information wherever it can, but sometimes these last-minute decisions can be difficult to relay to the travelling public in a timely manner. Wherever possible, any significant changes to the scheduled dates will be made clear on the yellow sign boards located at the works limits.

Information signs advising road users will be erected before the start of works.


Please note information provided by HCC as follows:

For your safety and that of our workforce, we are unable to guarantee vehicular access to and from your property during the road closure. Should you need to make an essential journey, please contact a member of the workforce in advance and they will be able to advise if they can accommodate your request.

Pedestrian access will be available at all times.

For further details of how the road closure may affect your access please visit our website –

Thank you for your co-operation and please accept my apologies in advance for any inconvenience these works may cause you.

If you need more information regarding this scheme you use any of the options below.

Visit One.Network  which is where our planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.

Call – 0300 555 1388

 If you ever need to report a problem with the roads, you can do so by visiting