Road Closures – Selborne Village 24th and 25th October
Please see attached a copy of the letter sent to residents on the overnight road works on Selborne High Street next week, on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th October. Please note the further information which has been received from HCC regarding the overnight works as follows:
There are two areas where they will be applying high friction surfacing:
- Approaches to the school – this will be carried out on Monday 24th Oct
- Approach to Ketchers Field – this will be carried out on Tuesday 25th Oct
On each night the road will be closed to through traffic for the entire length (Goslings Croft junction to Ketchers Field junction), however, there will be operatives located at the closure points who will allow local traffic to have access up to the points where the works are taking place.
(Please also look under News for information on the closure of Mary Lane, Upper Farringdon on 14th November)