Have your say NOW on the County Council 20mph speed limit policy
Hampshire County Council is undertaking a review of its policy for 20mph speed limits and would like to hear feedback from residents on the use of these limits across the County. Please see the information below from a letter from the Safer Roads and Parking section of the Council and the link to access the survey which must be completed by 00.30 am on Monday 12 September 2022.
“A Task and Finish Group of eight Councillors has been formed as part of a review of the Council’s policy for 20mph speed limits across the County which we anticipate to be completed in the Autumn. The current County Council policy restricts mandatory new 20 mph zones and limits to address casualty reduction.
Working alongside officers conducting the review, the Group’s purpose is to consider evidence from various sources, along with data related to highway usage, enforcement, road safety, previous 20 mph speed limit implementation and environmental impacts, and to inform the Economy, Transport and Environment Select Committee. In turn this will feed into consideration of the review findings and decisions on future policy by the Executive Lead Member for Transport and Environment Strategy or the County Council’s Cabinet in due course.
Views on these matters are welcomed as part of the online feedback form which is open to all Hampshire residents, parishes and other key stakeholders. Understanding wider views about 20 mph limits in the context of other highway priorities, the County Council’s statutory duties to maintain the highway in a safe condition, and a limited budget. The Group would also welcome feedback on existing 20 mph limits within Hampshire. The findings from this survey will help to inform any decision by the County Council about future 20mph speed limit policy. At this stage, no new 20 mph speed limits are proposed until the outcomes of the review are known and any policy changes approved.
The survey is now live and can be accessed via the link below. The survey is scheduled to close at 00.30 am on Monday 12 September 2022.
Safer Roads and Parking, Hampshire County Council”